Tag: binge-watch

  • Hit rock bottom

    Hit rock bottom

    Idiom: Hit rock bottom The climb up is so very hard, but once you begin to tumble down, it is easy to keep going until you hit rock bottom. We use this expression to mean you’re at an extremely low point and unable to go any lower. Now, no one wishes to hit rock bottom,…

  • Binge-watch


    WotD: Binge-watch Tell me you haven’t done it, and I’ll call you a liar.  Binge-watching is one of our favourite pastimes. Streaming online video services such as Amazon Video, Netflix, and Hulu have made it easier to choose what we watch and when. They didn’t invent binge-watching, though. To binge-watch means to watch multiple episodes or perhaps…

New Lesson: People watching reminds us everyone has their own story  Discuss People Watching