Tag: bear with

  • Laughter is the best medicine

    Laughter is the best medicine

    Idiom: Laughter is the best medicine Bear with me here. Take two of your fingers and put one in each corner of your mouth. Have you done it? Good. Now, push up. No, higher than that. Good. What do you have? That’s right, you have smiled for the first time today! They say women love…

  • Bear with

    Bear with

    Phrase: Bear with We’ll begin with a funny little poem to start the day off right. “Patience is a virtue, Virtue is a grace. Grace is a little girl. Who would not wash her face.” ― Dick King-Smith, Lady Daisy Patience is one of the virtues that is greatly lacking in today’s fast-paced society. Try…

  • Double Jeopardy

    Double Jeopardy

    WotD: Double Jeopardy To explain double jeopardy, we’ll first have to step into the law courts and then into the life of a middle-aged woman. I know it sounds complicated, but bear with me here. Under North American laws, a person cannot be tried for the same criminal offence twice. What that means is if…

  • Mansplain


    Word of the Day: Mansplain Yes, it’s true. When men mansplain, they explain the obvious to a woman, often a more intelligent woman, and that woman thinks he’s an idiot. As you can see, the word mansplain is made up of two words ‘man’ and ‘explain.’ If you are a woman reading this right now, I am not mansplaining. …

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson