Tag: bang for your buck

  • Is the juice worth the squeeze

    Is the juice worth the squeeze

    Saying: Is the juice worth the squeeze? Time is a precious commodity, and making the best use of it is essential. Although you may want to do something, sometimes you should ask yourself if the juice is worth the squeeze. You ask if the juice is worth the squeeze when you want to determine if…

  • Shell out

    Shell out

    Word of the Day: Shell out Because we live in capitalist societies, we should understand that everything comes with a price. Even stuff that initially seems free requires a payment of some kind, whether our time or data. Problems arise when we feel we are shelling out but not getting enough bang for our buck.…

  • In the tank

    In the tank

    Phrase: In the tank Today I have yet another multi-use idiom for you.  In the tank can mean prices, such as for stocks or oil, are plummeting. It can also mean to have something available for use, such as, “I still have twenty litres of gas in the tank.” Finally, today’s idiom also means supporting someone…

  • Bang for your buck

    Bang for your buck

    Idiom: Bang for your buck Not many regular people earning an average wage can afford to spend money like water anymore. We’re all looking to get the best bang for the buck. Simply put, this means we want to get the best value for our money. Now, you may be wondering why is a dollar, a US dollar,…

  • Sweet spot

    Sweet spot

    WotD: Sweet spot If you want to be a good hitter in baseball, you need to be able to find the sweet spot on your bat almost every time you swing. The same goes for cricket, tennis and ping pong players too. The sweet spot in this context is the best part of the bat or racket that’ll give…