Tag: back on track
Moment of weakness
WotD: Moment of weakness A moment of weakness is when someone struggles to make the right choice or decides to give in to temptation. We all experience these moments in different situations, especially when we try to change our habits. For instance, when you set your New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of January, you…
Get the hint
Phrase: Get the hint Have you ever been in a situation where your better half is dropping hints left, right, and center, but you just can’t seem to pick up on them? Well, my friend, you need to get the hint. The phrase ‘get the hint‘ is commonly used when someone is trying to communicate…
Life is what you make it
Saying: Life is what you make it Life is what you make it. Essentially, it means that you have the power to create the life you want to live. Your choices, actions, and attitude all contribute to the outcome of your life. How can we apply this saying to our daily lives? Well, it’s essential…
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed
Idiom: Wake up on the wrong side of the bed Those of you who are married or in a long-term relationship know one of the first things you did as a couple was determine who slept on which side of the bed. Single people think about going to bed, but they never think about which…
Right the ship
Idiom: Right the ship I bet when you saw this picture, you immediately thought about how they would right the ship. You were probably somewhat surprised, right? Imagine the reaction of the people on board the vessel when they suddenly found themselves listing at a 60° angle. Well, this is a real incident. I remember it…
At hand
English Idiom: At hand The last two days, I have introduced go off on a tangent and back on track. I have also used the idiom at hand in both of those posts. At hand can have two meanings. One meaning is to be physically close. For example, I live in the countryside, and there…