Tag: at first blush

  • Go nuclear

    Go nuclear

    Idiom: Go nuclear While at first blush, the idea of going nuclear may be an extremely delicate topic for some Japanese, the term itself is more of a euphemism for extremism. If you go nuclear, you become outraged and use force to the full extent of being extreme and perhaps in an irrational way. Imagine…

  • Bloom where you’re planted

    Bloom where you’re planted

    Proverb: Bloom where you’re planted The proverb bloom where you’re planted means to be grateful for what you have and try to take advantage of opportunities that life gives you. This is the easiest way to enjoy the moment and live your life. Some people think the grass is always greener on the other side.…

  • Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today

    Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today

    Proverb: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today At first blush, you may think this proverb is more of a cliché and not one you want to use very often. I think you would be wrong to think that. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today is a proverb…

  • At first blush / at first glance

    At first blush / at first glance

    Idiom: At first blush/glance At first blush or first glance, means the moment when you first start to think about something before you have given it any deep thought. There are various ways to use this expression. For example, at first glance, I never thought I would be able to complete the project on time, but…

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