Tag: an eye for an eye

  • Turn the other cheek

    Turn the other cheek

    Phrase: Turn the other cheek Yesterday, we covered the phrase an eye for an eye about responding to an action with a similar action. Today, we’ll look at its counterpart turn the other cheek. The phrase turn the other cheek at its core, means to respond to an offence or injury with kindness rather than…

  • An eye for an eye

    An eye for an eye

    Phrase: An eye for an eye Have you ever sought revenge for a wrongdoing that someone had committed against you? Perhaps you didn’t do anything to them, but you thought about it. Well, you may have wanted an eye for an eye. The idea behind an eye for an eye is that justice should be…

  • Get off (easy)

    Get off (easy)

    WotD: Get off (easy) You do the crime, you do the time, as the saying goes, but many people feel criminals get off easy. There is considerable debate about the appropriate punishment for any particular crime when it comes to crime and punishment. For Christians, the Old Testament says an eye for an eye. In other…

New Lesson: People watching reminds us everyone has their own story  Discuss People Watching