Tag: all bets are off

  • Throw you a curveball

    Throw you a curveball

    Idiom: Throw you a curveball The explanation of this one is going to involve another baseball analogy. To all of you non-baseball lovers out there, sorry about that. I don’t create the language; I just work with it. Don’t shoot the messenger. When you throw someone a curveball, you do or say something that presents…

  • All bets are off

    All bets are off

    Phrase: All bets are off Have we reached the end of the world? Probably not, but if we have, all bets are off. Humans love predictability. When we say the end is coming, we don’t mean for the world, even though we may say that. What we mean is the end of our world as…

  • Bromance / Man crush

    Bromance / Man crush

    WotD: Bromance / Man Crush It may be sad to see a relationship break up, but with Abe stepping down as Prime Minister of Japan, there is little chance the Abe-Trump bromance will continue. The world laughed at it, but I’m sure Trump’s family was happy that he had finally found a friend who visited…

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