Tag: a price to pay

  • A price to pay

    A price to pay

    Phrase: A price to pay There is a point in everyone’s life when they learn that nothing is free, nothing is easy, and there’s always a price to pay. This realization is a universal truth, experienced at different ages for each person. The concept of a price to pay encompasses more than just a monetary…

  • Work your fingers to the bone

    Work your fingers to the bone

    Idiom: Work your fingers to the bone  You work your fingers to the bone and then retire. Does that sound like the story of your life so far? There’s no shame in hard work. Most societies value hard work and honour it as an example for others to follow. Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan and China…

  • Save your bacon

    Save your bacon

    Idiom: Save your bacon You can be the breadwinner for a family and put food on the table by bringing home the bacon, but did you know someone can save your bacon as well? Food plays an integral part in English idioms. Bacon plays a vital role in American food culture. You can take any dish, add bacon and cheese, and it…