Tag: a dog’s life

  • A dog’s age

    A dog’s age

    Idiom: A dog’s age Do you ever have times when you wish you were a kid again? I sure do. It’s been a dog’s age since I could let someone else make all the decisions. The strange part is that when I was a kid and didn’t have to do anything, I yearned for the…

  • Until the cows come home

    Until the cows come home

    Phrase: Until the cows come home Oh boy, here’s another one from my childhood. I heard the phrase until the cows come home so many times when I was a kid that I can hear it in my sleep sometimes. My mother comes from a family of 20, yep, 18 children, and my father comes…

  • A dog’s life

    A dog’s life

    WotD: A Dog’s life We are so lucky to live in this time and age.  We may sometimes feel that we are living a dog’s life, but in reality, it’s nothing like the life people used to lead not that long ago. To live a dog’s life means your life is very difficult and unhappy,…

  • Work like a dog

    Work like a dog

    Phrase: Work like a dog Have you ever wondered what happened to the promise of technology, enhancing our lives and making work easier? Doesn’t it feel that instead of work becoming more manageable, it’s become harder? Wouldn’t you agree we’re all working like dogs? Well, if your dog is anything like mine, she doesn’t work…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson