Sugar rush

A sugar rush is the burst of energy that you get after consuming anything with sugar in it. I prefer chocolate, but candy is good too.
If you eat at this buffet, you’ll get a burst of energy for sure.

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WotD: Sugar rush

Oh, the joy of it!

Nothing matches the sweetness of a sugar rush that comes after munching down on anything chocolate.

Cakes, pies, donuts, chocolate bars and, of course, everyone’s favourite chocolate Easter eggs: any chocolate at all will suffice.

Some people drink alcohol, while others do drugs.

Heck, since marijuana was legalized in Canada, half of the country has been high.

But that’s not for me.

For me, it’s chocolate.

I can eat chocolate-covered almonds by the handful.

Sometimes, I switch to chocolate raisins because they’re ‘healthier.’

No matter, sure, chocolate melts in your mouth.

I’m not talking about that bitter 75% cocoa stuff.

I’m talking about the good stuff.

You know, the Belgian or Swiss milk chocolate.

Oh, that velvety, creamy texture as it melts on your tongue and slides down your throat.

It’s heaven, and then it’s over.

Or not.

Alcohol and marijuana have the effect of putting some people to sleep.

They calm you down, so you become very docile.

When you eat chocolate, the fun is only just beginning.

Alcohol leaves you with a hangover, marijuana has too much controversy, but chocolate gives you that sugar rush.

After eating chocolate, there’s a sugar rush; a burst of energy, and you feel like you could climb Mt. Everest in the nude.

OK, so I’m getting a little carried away here.

But you get my point.

The sugar rush that chocolate provides you is like no other.

It’s clean, legal and readily available at every corner and grocery store.

Yeah, I know some of you party poopers out there will rain on my parade and say that too much chocolate makes you fat.

Yeah, that’s why you shouldn’t overeat.

If you drink too much alcohol, you build up a tolerance for it and need more.

The same goes for chocolate. 

Everything is in moderation.

That’s why we have Easter, Halloween and Christmas spaced out during the year.

I know it’s hard going between Easter and Halloween, but it’s well worth the wait.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 7th-grade education (age 12).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 72.  

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100.

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson