Strike a nerve

If a subject strikes a nerve with a person, it upsets them because that topic is a delicate or emotional one for them at the time.
Uh oh. It looks like somebody just struck a nerve.

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Expression: Touch/hit/strike a nerve

There are specific topics that we should not talk about with certain people for fear that we will strike a nerve.

If someone has recently gone through a divorce, the joys of marriage are probably a topic that will bother them and make them feel somewhat uncomfortable.

If a subject touches a nerve with a person, it upsets them because the topic is delicate or emotional for them at the time.

Of course, if you say something that upsets someone by accident because you didn’t know the topic was sensitive for them, then it is not your fault.

But if you know someone is sensitive about a certain topic, then it would be polite to avoid mentioning it and hitting a nerve.


