Squirrel (something) away 

When you squirrel away something you put it in a safe place so you can use it some other time. It's like squirrels hiding nuts for winter.
Of course, I squirrel things away. I’m a squirrel, that’s how we roll.

Word of the Day: Squirrel away

Winter is coming. This is the main reason why squirrels squirrel away nuts or hide them during the warm months.

Once the cold weather sets in, they can go back to get them and have something to eat.

Squirrels are smart because they plan for the future.

Squirrels never forget that no matter how sunny and warm it is now, winter is coming and food will be scarce.

Smart people are like squirrels.

People who think about the future never forget that no matter how rosy things are now, they could go wrong very quickly.

There’s always another recession just around the corner.

This is the main reason why people put some money for lean times.

This could mean saving money for retirement, your kid’s university education, or just putting some money into a rainy day fund.

Biomimicry is a term that means humans are studying how nature does things and copying her style.

If I could be so bold as to give you some advice, practice some biomimicry.

Squirrel away a few nuts for the future.


