Safe Bet

A safe bet is sure to happen! You can rely on a safe bet because you know that it is sure to occur like the rising of the sun each day.
It’s a safe bet the sun will rise tomorrow.

Word of the Day: Safe Bet

I love a safe bet because they are sure to happen!

You can rely on safe bets because you know that they are guaranteed winners.

Let’s think about the sun for a minute.

The sun has been rising every day for millions of years. The sun rose today. And you know what? It is a safe bet that the sun will rise tomorrow too!

See, the good ol’ dependable, reliable sun. It’s as sure as money in the bank.

Now the stock market, on the other hand, is another thing altogether.

The one thing all investors can agree on is that there are no safe bets on the market.

There is always a risk when you put your money into the stock market.

You never really know from one moment to the next precisely what any of the stock exchanges are going to do.

That’s good if you are looking for excitement.

But if you want dependability and are looking for safe bets or a sure thing, don’t play the stock market.


