Put two and two together

When you put two and two together you take the limited information which is available and you and come up with a plausible conclusion.

English Idiom: Put two and two together

Investigators are trained to put two and two together and find a solution to a problem.

Although it sounds easy, it’s not as straightforward as you may think.

Quite often the information that an investigator has access to is limited or incomplete in some way.

Sherlock Holmes, the world’s most famous imaginary person, had a seemingly uncanny ability to put two and two together until you understood his methods, of course.

If you look at the above picture what do you see? A gun, bullet casings and a footprint, right? What else? Can you put two and two together to come up with a plausible explanation for what happened? Come on, give it a try, it might be fun.

Pretend you are Sherlock Holmes or maybe even Colombo.


