
Penmanship is the ability to write neatly with a pen or pencil. Good penmanship can be elegant. When it's bad it can be difficult to read.
Some people have elegant handwriting even when they use a fountain pen.

Word of the Day: Penmanship

How’s your penmanship? Do you have beautiful writing? Or does your handwriting look like the scratches of a chicken who stepped in ink and walked across your page?

Good penmanship can be quite impressive. They say that the way a person writes can indicate their personality.

I certainly hope that is not true because I do not write beautifully now and I never did.

So what does that mean? Does it mean that I have a terrible personality? Perhaps it’s the opposite.

Sometimes I receive Christmas and New Year’s cards from people with absolutely beautiful handwriting. Their writing is elegant and legible, whereas mine is… well, remember that chicken I was talking about earlier?

Good penmanship, especially cursive writing, is becoming a lost art. These days most of our writing is done on computers, and in the future, there may be very few opportunities for us to practice our handwriting.


