One-armed bandit

One-armed bandit is the nickname for slot machines that have a metal handle on one side which you pull to operate.

Word of the Day: One-armed bandit

Gambling casinos are coming to Japan. Will they have one-armed bandits?

I suppose they will have all sorts of card games and roulette as well.

Gambling usually attracts all kinds of bandits, but will they welcome the one-armed kind in Japan?

You see one-armed bandit is the nickname for slot machines that have a metal handle on one side which you pull to make the machine work.

These slot machines have this nickname because they steal your money and only have one arm.

I’m not going to comment here on whether the Japanese government has made the appropriate decision or not.

I will, however, think out loud about what kind of gambling options will be available at casinos in Japan.

I think it’s a big mistake.

If you go to a gambling casino, don’t let the slot machines, especially the ones with one arm get you!


