On a mission

(Photo: Valentina Conde/Unsplash)

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Phrase: On a mission

If you are a man, take my advice.

Never, ever get in the way of a woman on a mission.

If you are not on her side, she will run you over like a fully loaded freight train at top speed and not even look back.

I remember two instances when my wife was on a mission.

She accomplished everything she set out to do and refused to take no for an answer.

Before I do that, let me explain what the phrase on a mission means.

To be on a mission means to be doing something that you feel is extremely important.

Now, for my wife.

Roughly 20 years ago, I was suddenly hospitalized in Japan and very near death.

It was a Friday, and we had recently returned to Japan as a newlywed couple.

I only had travel insurance, so we would have been looking at a huge medical bill.

While I was fighting death in a hospital bed, she marched off on a mission to the local city hall and got my national health care approved in record time.

She did it all in one afternoon.

Multiple times they told her to return on the following Monday, but she insisted on getting everything done that day.

The city workers in Yamashina probably never worked so fast in their lives.

Oh, by the way, I did NOT die.

I was on the brink of death, looked over the edge and said, ‘Not today’.

Then I took the doctor’s hand, and he pulled me back up.

God bless doctors.

The second time was again dealing with a government agency – this time immigration.

The local Wakayama immigration office is tiny, and there is never a lineup.

When I applied for permanent residency, I was initially refused with no reason given.

My wife again wouldn’t take no for an answer.

She marched into the office on a mission to get me permanent residency.

I am now a proud permanent resident of Japan.

Men, listen carefully and never get in the way of a woman on a mission.

She will chew you up, spit you out and jump on you.

Then again, perhaps that is just my wife.

Men, never stand in the way of a Kansai woman.

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Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 7th-grade education (age 12).

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 71.

The higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100, the easier the passage is to read.


