Odds and ends

A man and woman in front of a tent.
Some things are not essential or necessary but still required.

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WotD: Odds and ends

As we age, we realize that while it is extremely important to take care of the big things, we shouldn’t neglect odds and ends.

Isn’t it nifty? I’m nearly fifty!

I don’t think I’m going through a midlife crisis.

Odds and ends are things that are not essential or necessary but are still required.

However, I would like to recapture some of the energy and excitement of my youth.

I was a backpacker all during my twenties, that’s ten years, and now that I’ve settled down, I’m very happy.

But I do want to explore Japan more than I currently am.

That’s why I’m looking into purchasing a camper or other vehicle which I can use to travel around Japan extensively. 

While the vehicle is the main thing, you need to pack many odds and ends for a camping trip.

Odds and ends are things that are not essential or necessary but are still required.

They are the items that often fall into the miscellaneous category.

Before going on a camping trip, I should pack essential articles and other odds and ends.

These odds and ends would include filling the water tanks, taking along the ice, appropriate footwear, extra gas cassettes, something to read, and beer.

I understand different people have different priorities, and for some, like me, beer is an essential item.

For educational purposes, I’m classifying it as odds and ends today.

However, if I don’t have beer, I’m not going.

It’s as simple as that.

I’ll make a quick stop at a store to pick it up.

I do recommend you never go camping without beer.

Trust me on this, and thank me later.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 7th-grade education (age 12).   

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 73.   

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100. 


