Money laundering

Money laundering is getting easier thanks to digital technology.
Money laundering is big business. We could call it a spinoff of the illegal drug trade.

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Word of the Day: Money laundering

I mentioned dirty money yesterday and promised to talk about ‘cleaning’ dirty money, which is often referred to as money laundering, today.

The process of ‘cleaning’ dirty money and hiding where the money originally came from is called money laundering.

For example, if a bad dude earns dirty money by selling drugs, he will try to hide the money.

One way he can do this is by claiming it as earnings from some legitimate business such as a restaurant.

That way, the money he makes seems legal to the government and is, therefore, clean or ‘laundered money.’

Of course, money laundering is illegal.

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 9th-grade education (age 15).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 59.  

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