Milch cow

A product, service or even customer which is a source of easy money and good profits is referred to as milch cows. A cash cow is the same.
For some businesses, online sales and services have been a milch cow.

Word of the Day: Milch cow

Ok, everyone, this was a new one for me just last week. I had never heard the term milch cow before until a student introduced it to me.

It’s another term for a cash cow.

That’s one of the reasons I get out of bed in the morning – I learn something new every day.

Products, services or even customers that are sources of easy money and good profits are referred to as milch cows.

Things like online streaming services and recurring deliveries of products are perfect examples of revenue streams that have become profit machines for companies.

Just think about Amazon, Netflix or Dollar Shave Club, and you’ll see that they each have a way of earning money that works phenomenally well for them.

Of course, it takes a lot of work to build up and maintain milch cows, but they are every company’s dream nonetheless.


