Living on the edge

If you live on the edge, your daily activities involve some level of danger, and you probably get a thrill out of it.
Whoever built this house is taking things a little too far.

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Idiom: Living on the edge

Most of us have unexciting lives.

Then, some of us live on the edge.

If you live on the edge, your daily activities involve some level of danger, and you probably get a thrill out of it.

You may often seek out life-or-death situations by participating in exciting activities such as skydiving, putting your head in a crocodile’s mouth or driving for a Formula 1 racing team.

Many people participate in extreme sports for the thrill of it.

They enjoy being one step away from serious injury or even death.

They say you never feel truly alive until you know you almost died.

Hey, you know, whatever works for you; to each their own.

I, however, prefer to live to see the next sunrise and the next and the next one after that.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

This post is understandable by someone with at least an 8th-grade education (age 13 – 14).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 68.  

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100.




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