In the depth of winter

The depth of winter is the period of the winter when the days are shortest and the weather is the coldest.
When you’re in the depth of winter, it’s hard to believe that spring will ever come. But it will. It always does.

English Phrase: In the depth of winter

March is just around the corner, but in some places, it may still be hard to believe.

Here in Wakayama, the plum blossoms are just starting to open, whereas up in the northern parts of Japan the snow continues to pile up. Those guys are still in the depths of winter.

When I was living in Canada, the depths of winter included January, February and March. Of course, Canada is a BIG country, and the weather varies a lot, but the depths of winter ended at the beginning of April.

To you guys still suffering through the depths of winter in northern Japan, it’ll all be over before you know it. Soon you’ll be experiencing the dog days of summer. Won’t that be fun?