
Hoopty is a name for a car and has a broad range of meanings. A hoopty is any car you think is absolutely no good. 
One man’s hoopty is another man’s holy grail.

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Word of the Day: Hoopty (slang)

A hoopty is a car that you don’t like. Do you have one? Does your friend? Maybe your next-door neighbour has an ugly vehicle parked in their driveway, and you can’t stand it.

First, you need to know what a hoopty is, right?

Well, it’s a name for a car and has a broad range of meanings, but basically, a hoopty is any car that you think is no good in style or performance.

There is a guy in London who has a golden Ferrari. I believe that it’s a hoopty because I don’t think it looks cool. It’s too flashy for my taste. Many people feel the car in the picture is a hoopty, but I think it looks cool.

I love the design aspects of older American cars from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

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