
The bullet train enabled people to live in the countryside and work in the city.

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Word of the Day: Godsend

A godsend is anything that is needed very much and happens unexpectedly.

Most office workers in Japan have experienced working overtime and having a late supper.

The problem is that when you are working at 8:00 pm, you lose your energy because you are hungry.

If your coworker suddenly shows up at your desk with snacks, they are a godsend; now you have the energy to power through until you can eat supper.

The bullet train in Japan is a godsend for us.

This is true because before the bullet trains started running, travelling back and forth between Osaka and Tokyo was bothersome and time-consuming.

However, since the bullet train started running, people could move around more freely and much faster.

It’s an absolute godsend for all travellers, business people and holidaymakers alike.

Now, they can enjoy the best of both worlds.

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 9th-grade education (age 15).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 60.  

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100. 


