God helps those who help themselves

Monday, 2022-11:28, Saying: God helps those who help themselves
Make an effort. You will be successful.

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Saying: God helps those who help themselves

We are living through challenging times.

Sometimes you may feel like giving up but remember God helps those who help themselves.

This pertains to all gods, no matter which faith you follow.

There are people in this world who work extremely hard and enjoy the fruits of their labour.

At times it may seem as if they enjoy too much bounty.

Well, that’s why we say God helps those who help themselves.

It means that if you make an effort to achieve something, you will be successful.

The emphasis here is on making an effort.

The less you do, the less likely you are to find success.

God doesn’t walk around handing out tickets to success to couch potatoes and those who don’t pull their weight.

Of course, I don’t mean to say God is walking around us in the flesh.

I mean that God or gods, whatever you believe in, tend to work in mysterious ways.

Some people sit around waiting for luck to find them.

Well, you have to make your luck.

Part of that is the harder you work, the more likely other successful people will notice you.

Successful people tend to want to help other hardworking people like themselves attain success.

God works through people.

It’s nice to believe that God helps those who help themselves.

So, when your manager or boss offers you a promotion, you could think that it’s because God said to them, “Hey, have you noticed that so-and-so has been doing a good job lately working their fingers to the bone? Let’s help them out.”

Success is something we have to work towards.

You have to go out there and get it if you want it.

Do that, and someone, maybe even God, will help you, too, because, as we learned today, God helps those who help themselves.  

Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 6th-grade education (age 11).   

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 82.   

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100.