Go fly a kite

Go fly a kite is a polite little phrase that is used to tell someone who is annoying you to go away. It's better than using profanity.
When someone is getting on your nerves, tell them to go fly a kite.

English Idiom: Go fly a kite

I’m sure that you have been annoyed by someone at some point in your life but were too polite to tell them to f*** off.

That’s a good thing. It means that you are a lady or a gentleman and do not want to use four-letter words or other profanity.

Now the next time that person annoys you, you can tell them to go fly a kite.

Go fly a kite is a polite little phrase that is used to tell someone who is annoying you to go away.

There is no profanity involved, but they still get the message.

Remember this one, the next time someone is getting on your nerves or otherwise being a pest, tell them to go fly a kite.

It’s a much more socially acceptable way to say, well, you know what.


