
An office worker typing on a laptop while wearing an Oculus headset.
A gamechanger is an event, procedure or idea that creates a shift in the way of doing or thinking about things.

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WotD: Gamechanger

It’s been said before, and I’ll repeat it. COVID-19 is a gamechanger.

Probably one of the biggest ones we will ever experience in our lives.

Not only is this disease a game-changer, but it has sparked a plethora of other gamechangers that have disrupted and will continue to refashion our lives.

A gamechanger is an event, procedure or idea that creates a shift in the way of doing or thinking about things.

Before getting any deeper into this theme, we should look at what a gamechanger is.

It is some element, such as an event, procedure or idea, that creates a shift in the way of doing or thinking about things.

The iPhone is a fantastic non-COVID-related example.

When it was first released, the iPhone was more advanced than any other mobile phone, and it completely disrupted the market.

In Japan, the iPhone instantly made DoCoMo’s i-mode archaic.

Due to COVID, we now have the world’s first mRNA vaccine created in record time and highly effective.

No one thought it was possible to develop, produce and distribute a new vaccine for a new disease in less than a year.

mRNA technology has proven to be a gamechanger.

Next, we have the Zoom video conferencing technology.

I’m proud to say that my students and I were among the early adopters of Zoom before COVID hit.

Both Microsoft and Google were caught with their pants down when demand for easy-to-use video conferencing technology immediately spiked due to people being forced to work from home.

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and that’s immediately what Microsoft and Google did; they began to copy and add some of the features Zoom already offered.

COVID-19 is the mother of all gamechangers.

Every cloud has a silver lining, and watching the world change is a privilege some of us have been lucky enough to do.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

This post is understandable by someone with at least an 8th-grade education (age 13 – 14).

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 62.

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100.

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson