Face the music

a smiley face that is not smiling, he's scared because he has to face the music.

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Phrase: Face the music

Have you ever made a mistake or done something stupid and had to face the music afterward?

Of course, you have.

We have all had to face the music at one point in our lives or another.

The unfortunate ones have had to face the music more than once.

Let me put your mind at ease by assuring you that it has nothing to do with singing karaoke in front of a crowd.

If you face the music, you accept criticism or punishment for something you’ve done.

Japanese often use the word scold, as in my boss scolded me, or my mother scolded me.

So, if you know your boss is going to scold you today and you’re not going to get off easy, you don’t want to go in, do you?

But, you will maintain a stiff upper lip, go in and face the music.

That’s just the way it is.

Of course, you could always tell your boss to f*** o**, but then you’d have to face the music from another source when you went home.

Yeah, on second thought, it’s probably better to take it from your boss.

The term, face the music, may come from soldiers being kicked out of the military or dishonourably discharged.

In the past, when that happened, drums were played as the soldier walked off the military base.

The drums let everyone know that this guy is being kicked out of the military because he is a bloody idiot.

Humiliation was a form of punishment, just as being scolded by your boss is a form of punishment and humiliation.

Flesch-Kincaid Readability Test

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 7th-grade education (age 12).

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 79.

The higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100, the easier the passage is to read.


