Couch potato

Gorilla sitting in a tree watching TV. Yep, anyone can become a couch potato.
Anybody can become a couch potato.

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WotD: Couch potato

Before we start discussing couch potatoes, I want you to think about a potato for a moment.

OK, do you have the image of a potato in your mind?


Now, what is your potato doing?

Nothing right?

That is because potatoes are sedentary.

A potato just sits there and does nothing.

Well, in English, a potato has eyes too.

If you keep the potato for too long, those little places where the roots come out are called eyes.

You can dress a potato up or even put a hat on it, but it still does nothing.

It just sits there looking at you.

That’s what a couch potato is.

It’s a person who sits on the couch, sofa, Chesterfield loveseat, etc. and does nothing while looking at the TV.

Plus, keep in mind that potatoes are usually round.

That means that human couch potatoes who spend much time sitting and watching TV will also become round.

This post is understandable by someone with at least a 6th-grade education (age 11).  

On the Flesch-Kincaid reading-ease test, this post scores 82.  

The easier a passage is to read, the higher the score on a scale of 0 – 100.




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