
Cookie-cutter is used to mean that many things of the same type are all the same. In new suburbs cookie-cutter houses are built.
They’re all the same! Whatever happened to individualism!

Word of the Day: Cookie-cutter

What’s up with all of these cookie-cutter houses?

You’d think that with all of the technology that we have, with all of the possibilities of innovative design and with human ingenuity, we would be able to design unique things.

But we don’t.

How often have you driven into a suburb and noticed that all of the houses looked the same?

You know what I mean, street after street of cookie-cutter houses with cookie-cutter front lawns and similar cars parked in cookie-cutter driveways.

They are all the same, designed with little imagination and quite frankly, boring.

The term cookie-cutter is used because they look like cookies cut out of a sheet of dough. New houses are all the same – same shape, same size and in many cases all the same size as well – boring.


