Conspiracy theory

A conspiracy theory is a belief that something is controlled by powerful people and the truth is somehow being hidden.
Did Neil Armstrong really walk on the moon? One conspiracy theory is that the ‘moon landing’ was filmed in a studio. Maybe Elvis was one of the astronauts, uh, actors, too.

WorS: Conspiracy theory

America is the land of the free, the home of the brave, and where conspiracy theories are rampant.

Most of the world believes that Elvis Presley is dead.

Many people believe that Elvis is the Santa at Sears.

Even if he were alive, why would he be Santa? And why would he be Santa at Sears? Sears is closing, so I suppose Elvis will be unemployed.

A conspiracy theory is a belief that influential people control something, and the truth is somehow being hidden.

Many Americans, including Donald Trump himself, believed (and maybe still believe) that Obama should never have been president because he was not born in the United States.

Then there is the conspiracy theory that man never made it to the moon at all.

Some conspiracy theory believers have analyzed the footage of the first moonwalk and concluded that it was filmed in a studio here on Earth.

It takes all kinds, I suppose.

The more we question things, though, the less we believe.

Now I’m not sure that Elvis is dead.

Perhaps it was Elvis who walked on the moon, he didn’t want to come home, and he’s still up there enjoying the weightlessness.

I’m not even going to mention Bigfoot or Sasquatches.

Everybody has to believe in something I suppose.


