
When your cheeky, you're being rude, but in a funny.
It looks like someone is playful with the camera lady.

Word of the Day: Cheeky

I have an interesting one for you today, everybody. When someone is cheeky, they are respectfully rude. Yes, you can be politely rude.

When people are cheeky, they are usually joking around or being playful.

Imagine that your ageing father cannot find his newspaper. He has looked all around and cannot see it at all. Then he stands up and realizes that he was sitting on it.

In that kind of situation, what would you say? I, myself would say, ‘You’re not a spring chicken anymore. You must be getting old, skipper.’

Of course, the old fellow will get angry and tell me that I am rude, but actually, I am cheeky.


