Category: New Year

  • Winds of change

    Winds of change

    Phrase: Winds of change Change is one of the few constants in the world. Politicians campaign on it; people resist it, but inevitably, it happens just as the sun is sure to rise and the tides turn. The phrase the winds of change describes the feeling you experience when you anticipate change is about to…

  • Get the ball rolling

    Get the ball rolling

    Idiom: Get the ball rolling Hey there, everyone. Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Here in Japan, it’s common to say you had a ‘sleeping New Year.’ It means all you did during the New Year’s holidays was eat, sleep and drink. That’s what I did, and I loved…

  • Ring in the New Year

    Ring in the New Year

    Expression: Ring in the New Year How are you going to ring in the New Year? Are you planning a big party? A quiet gathering at home? Perhaps you are going to watch the Kohaku special on NHK (no SMAP this year but maybe PPAP). You may be like thousands of people who are going…