Category: Christmas

  • It’s better to give than receive

    It’s better to give than receive

    Proverb: It’s better to give than receive  Well, here we are. By this time next week, it’ll be Christmas Day. The presents will have been opened, the turkey devoured, and Dad will be asleep on the sofa while the kids play with their new-found treasures. Christmas is a season of giving, and one of the…

  • Christmas came early

    Christmas came early

    Phrase: Christmas came early Christmas came early this year, and the excitement is still in the air! The phrase Christmas came early is often used to describe the sudden and unexpected arrival of something that reminds us of the holiday season. It can refer to anything from the first snowfall to seeing a Christmas tree…

  • Stocking stuffer

    Stocking stuffer

    WotD: Stocking stuffer If you are a kid, Christmas is the best time of the year. Of course, the main event is opening the presents Santa put under the tree, but the warmup has to be the stocking stuffers. Stocking stuffers are small gifts meant to fit inside a Christmas stocking and bring a lot…

  • Snowball effect

    Snowball effect

    Word of the Day: The snowball effect Well, isn’t this timely? Winter is the best time of year to talk about snowballs, and by pure coincidence, I’ve chosen the snowball effect for my post today. Now, I could wax nostalgic about building snow forts, igloos and tunnelling through huge snowbanks when I was a kid,…

  • It's the thought that counts

    It's the thought that counts

    English Phrase: It’s the thought that counts We’re coming up on Christmas. It’s the time of year when we want to show our love and appreciation to others by giving them something special. We also often forget it’s the thought that counts, not the value of the gift. It’s the thought that counts means the…

  • Tis the season to be jolly

    Tis the season to be jolly

    Expression: Tis the season to be jolly Tis the season to be jolly, eat, drink and be merry. Yes, Christmas is still two days away, but why not start early? Let’s make it an even two weeks, shall we? You already know the twelve days of Christmas stretch from December 25th to Epiphany on January…

  • Trim the tree

    Trim the tree

    Phrase: Trim the tree I’m not sure about most people, but one of my favourite things about Christmas is getting out all of the Christmas ornaments and trimming the tree. It’s a very nostalgic experience for me. Each of my decorations is stored in its own box, and each one reminds me of where I…

  • Leftovers


    Word of the Day: Leftovers It’s Boxing Day, and that means leftovers! Although yesterday, in many homes, the cook had spent hours and hours preparing Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, and the family spent about 40 minutes at most eating it, they did not eat everything. Today, many people will be eating leftovers. Leftovers…