Category: Business English

  • Going concern

    Going concern

      English Idiom: Going concern has been a going concern for a little over two years now.  Wow! Time flies. On Monday last week, had its second anniversary. That’s right; it continues to grow, albeit slowly. A business that is successful and growing is usually called a going concern. Although is a…

  • Don’t fish off the company pier

    Don’t fish off the company pier

    Proverb: Don’t fish off the company pier Keep your work and private lives separate; in other words, don’t fish off the company pier. We all know we don’t keep every fish we catch. Catch and release in the company pond is not a good idea because some fish come back to bite you. Don’t fish off…

  • White Knight

    White Knight

    Word of the Day: White Knight Let’s talk business. When a company is in financial trouble, one option to get out of it is to find a white knight. A white knight is another company or even a person who can buy the company or invest enough money into it to get it out of…

  • Laissez-faire


    Word of the Day: Laissez-faire There has been much media coverage about Renho, the new leader of the Democratic Party in Japan, and her dual Taiwanese-Japanese nationality. It was also reported that the Japanese government had taken a laissez-faire attitude towards dual citizenship. Although officially, Japanese citizens should give up their other nationality and possess…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson