Category: Business English

  • Micromanager


    WotD: Micromanager Micromanagement is a leadership style characterized by excessive control, scrutiny of details, and a lack of trust in employees’ abilities to work independently. While some micromanagers may have good intentions, this management style often leads to negative consequences in the workplace. For this reason, micromanagers need to find a balance between control and…

  • End user

    End user

    Word of the Day: End user People are not people anymore. We are consumers. After purchasing a product or service, we become end users. It’s no joke and no secret that the business–customer relationship is declining in our consumerist societies. I dislike that last term end user. If you don’t know what it is, it’s the person…

  • Laissez-faire


    Word of the Day: Laissez-faire There has been much media coverage about Renho, the new leader of the Democratic Party in Japan, and her dual Taiwanese-Japanese nationality. It was also reported that the Japanese government had taken a laissez-faire attitude towards dual citizenship. Although officially, Japanese citizens should give up their other nationality and possess…