
Caribou are a type of deer that live in northern North America. Another name for caribou is reindeer. Yes, they pull Santa's sleigh.
Yep, these are caribou or reindeer if you prefer. These are the little guys who pull Santa’s sleigh.

Word of the Day: Caribou

Canada has caribou, lots and lots of them.

You may say ‘so what?’ But before you do remember that this is Christmas Eve, and that means Santa Claus and eight tiny reindeer, another name for reindeer, will soon be flying around the world.

Many people in Canada hunt caribou for food, of course, they don’t hunt Santa’s reindeer – Santa has magical reindeer that can fly.

Anyway, what would happen if a hunter tried to hunt one of Santa’s reindeer/caribou?

There’d be no more presents, that’s for sure, so it’s safe to say that Santa’s reindeer will be perfectly OK this Christmas Eve.



