Attention grab

An attention grab is anything that is intentionally strange, unusual or even shocking to catch your attention.
For a furniture store, this would be one of those annoying attention-grabbing advertisements.

Word of the Day: Attention grab

If you spend much time on the Internet, then you have seen an attention grab and more than likely thousands of them.

An attention grab is anything that is intentionally strange, unusual or even shocking to catch people’s eyes.

To catch someone’s attention, you need to stand out. In the advertising world standing out from your competitors and grabbing attention is essential.

Unfortunately, quite often, the advertisements that they create are also gimmicks.

While browsing the internet, I’m sure you’ve seen those flashy banner ads at the top of a page. I find them extremely annoying.

Advertisements can be quite interesting and cool if done appropriately, but they can also be cheesy and a waste of time.

Try not to let yourself be distracted by gimmicky advertisements. They can cause you to waste your time.





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