As easy as ABC

If something is as easy as ABC, then it should be effortless to do. Something such as making a bowl of instant miso soup is as easy as ABC.

Expression: As easy as ABC

Today is my first working Monday of 2017, so I decided to go light today.

I wanted something as easy as ABC to write about, so that’s why I chose the expression.

We cannot say that something is as easy as LMNOP because, well, LMNOP is not easy for many people to pronounce.

I have a mini-challenge for you.

Go ahead and try saying LNMOP 5 times very quickly.

See what I mean?

Anyway, if something is as easy as ABC, then it should be effortless.

Making a bowl of instant miso soup is as easy as ABC: empty the package contents into a bowl, add hot water, and enjoy.


