Nothing goes to plan. I'm always in the middle of the world's biggest snafu.
Nothing goes to plan. I’m always in the middle of the world’s biggest snafu.

Acronym of the Day: SNAFU

It has been a long time since I wrote an abbreviation of the day. Snafu is extremely common and was first used during the Second World War.

The letters that make up snafu stand for Situation Normal, All F***ed Up. It’s a situation in which nothing is working as planned and there are many mistakes, but that’s how it usually is.

Imagine having a messy, disorderly desk. No matter how much you’d like to say it’s controlled chaos, it isn’t.

Due to this untidiness, you can’t find anything that you need, causing you to make one mistake after another until you have complete chaos.

It’s just like being at an airport or hotel. Sometimes reservations etc. are not entered into the computer correctly, and this mistake is compounded by the knock-on effect.

Some companies, I won’t mention any names, are famous for making mistakes, and therefore snafu or ‘Situation Normal All Fu***ed Up’ is perfect for describing their daily operations.


