A change is as good as a rest

A change is as good as a rest means changing your work location or to a new task is as beneficial or refreshing as a vacation or day off.
You’re still working, but a change is as good as a rest.

Saying: A change is as good as a rest

A change is as good as a rest means that changing your work location or switching to a different task can be as beneficial or refreshing as taking a vacation or a day off.

Many of us start to feel stressed at this time of year.

I guess part of the reason we get stressed is the heat, and part of it is that we are tired of doing the same thing day after day after day after day.

Unfortunately, we cannot all take an extended vacation during the summer.

We may be able to change or alter the work that we do or when we do it.

It’s as easy as switching to a different task for a while or moving to an empty desk to do your work.

I do this. Sometimes, instead of working in my home office, I take my laptop outside and sit in a shady place because, after all, a change is as good as a rest.





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