• Like goes with like

    Like goes with like

    Expression: Like goes with like The phrase like goes with like refers to the idea that individuals with similar characteristics, interests, or values naturally associate or connect with one another. It suggests that people tend to form relationships and communities based on shared traits, leading to a sense of comfort and belonging. This concept is…

  • Daunting


    Word of the Day: Daunting In today’s fast-paced world, the word daunting is often at the forefront of our minds. Describing something as daunting means it seems intimidating or discouraging, often because it is too challenging to tackle. Now that winter is coming on, getting out of bed in the morning can seem a daunting,…

  • Raincheck


    Word of the Day: Raincheck The term raincheck has its roots in the world of sports, specifically in baseball, where it originally referred to a ticket given to spectators when a game had to be postponed due to rain. Yeah, I bet you didn’t know that. In a broader sense, a raincheck now means that…

  • Life’s work

    Life’s work

    Word of the Day: Life’s work Life’s work is the culmination of an individual’s efforts, passions, and contributions throughout their lifetime. It reflects what we dedicate ourselves to over the years, often shaping our identity and how we are remembered. Life’s work can vary drastically from person to person, encompassing everything from a politician’s legacy…

  • Keep yourself busy

    Keep yourself busy

    WotD: Keep yourself busy In today’s fast-paced world, the phrase keep yourself busy can resonate with many of us. To keep yourself busy refers to actively engaging in activities or tasks to occupy your time and mind. Whether by pursuing hobbies, working on personal projects, or volunteering, choosing to keep yourself busy can lead to…

  • Irk


    Word of the Day: Irk The word irk may not often come up in everyday conversation, but it holds a particular significance when expressing annoyance or irritation. To irk means to cause someone to feel irritated, annoyed, or a bit uncomfortable. It’s a verb that captures that feeling when something small but persistent gets under…

  • Head start

    Head start

    WotD: Head start In today’s fast-paced world, the value of a good education cannot be overstated. It is vital in giving young people a head start in life. A head start refers to an advantage that allows an individual to begin a process or competition earlier than others, maximizing their opportunities for success. When young…

  • Alternative facts

    Alternative facts

    WotD: Alternative facts In today’s political landscape, the term alternative facts has become controversial, clearly depicting the ongoing struggle over truth and reality in public conversation. Introduced famously by a former US presidential advisor to Donald Trump (see below), alternative facts suggest that there can be multiple competing true facts about a single event or…

  • Hung parliament

    Hung parliament

    WotD: Hung parliament It may have slipped your attention, with all the focus on the American presidential election on Tuesday, but Japan recently held a national election, which surprisingly resulted in a hung parliament. A hung parliament is a term that refers to a situation where no single political party secures an outright majority in…

  • Sanewashing


    WotD: Sanewashing In today’s world, the term sanewashing has unfortunately emerged as a critical phrase in the conversation about American politics. Sanewashing or sane-washing is trying to minimize or reduce the radical aspects of a person or idea to make them appear more acceptable to a wider audience. I have grown tired of watching influential…

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