Stand up for
WotD: Stand up for We wake up today in a world where we have to stand up to our enemies and those we once considered very close friends or family. Why? Quite simply, if we do not stand up for our beliefs and way of life, no one else will do it for us. To…
WotD: Narrow-minded Narrow-minded people have a fixed mindset and are unwilling to consider new ideas or perspectives. It describes someone who often sticks to their beliefs, ignoring other possibilities even when their beliefs have been proven incorrect. Being narrow-minded can lead to misunderstandings and conflict because it prevents open communication and growth. The dangers of…
Broaden your horizons
Phrase: Broaden your horizons The phrase broaden your horizons means to expand your knowledge, experiences, and perspectives. When you broaden your horizons, you step outside your comfort zone and explore new ideas or cultures. This is important because it helps you grow and enhances your understanding of the world. One effective way to broaden your…
At a premium
Phrase: At a premium The phrase at a premium indicates that something is being sold for a higher price than usual or is in high demand. When an item is available at a premium, buyers may need to pay more to acquire it due to its perceived scarcity, popularity or quality. For instance, many products…
Get caught up
WotD: Get caught up On March 4, 2025, Donald J. Trump imposed 25% tariffs on all goods from Canada and Mexico – literally the closest friends and allies of the USA. We have gotten caught up in a trade war. Getting caught up means becoming involved in something unexpectedly or being absorbed in a situation…
Word of the Day: Crave I can’t believe I haven’t covered the word crave in nine years of writing posts. I did cover much craves more, though. Oh well, better late than never, as they say. However, if you crave something, you want it now, never later. Craving is a powerful feeling of wanting something…
Tempers flare
Idiom: Tempers flare There are two topics I tell my students never to discuss with native English speakers to avoid a situation in which tempers flare. The first is politics, and the second is religion. The idiom tempers flare means that people become outraged or lose their cool in a situation. It often describes moments…
Speak volumes
Idiom: Speak volumes The phrase speak volumes is an idiomatic expression that means to convey a lot of information or meaning, often without the need for words. When something speaks volumes, it can reveal a profound truth or significant feelings about a person, situation, or event. This phrase is commonly used in everyday conversation and…
Hand down
WotD: Hand down I grew up in a large family of five children. There was no fast fashion or online shopping at Shien. Clothes came in a black garbage bag that you had to sift through to find something that you liked but, most importantly, fit you. To hand down means to give something to…
Grand scheme of things
Idiom: Grand scheme of things Have you ever heard someone say, In the grand scheme of things? This phrase is commonly used in conversations to help people understand bigger perspectives. The term grand scheme of things refers to the overall situation or perspective, especially when considering how small or individual events fit into a larger…
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