Welcome to ArtisanEnglish.jp

My name is David, and I’ve been an English teacher for over 25 years.

I’ve worked as a teacher/tutor in Canada, New Zealand and Japan at all levels, from preschool to professionals.

Now, I only teach adults with a minimum TOEIC score of 750.

For more about me, you can check out the About ArtisanEnglish.jp page.

Mistakes you make’em I find’em We fix’em

ArtisanEnglish.jp was created to address four key areas I feel most other online English tutors fail to cover properly. They are:

  • 100% error correction.
  • Detailed written feedback after each lesson.
  • A wide variety of interesting and challenging discussion topics for students to choose from.
  • Vocabulary, vocabulary, vocabulary. Variety is the spice of life, and only learning what a test requires is not enough. Native English speakers do not speak ‘test English.’ But students do.

Before you can book a Trial Lesson, please contact me for a username and password.

What to expect from lessons

I create a new ESL discussion lesson topic every week and have been doing so for nine years now.

One thing I never liked at other English language schools was forcing students to purchase materials in addition to paying tuition.

Therefore, all lessons use materials that are available for free online.

We’ll use Google Meet to hold online lessons.

I’ll write all your corrections in the Google Meet comment box and then send you a detailed feedback document, usually within 24 hours of our lesson, but sometimes, if I’m busy, it may be a little longer.